Past Continous

Past Continuous

The past continuous tense is used to describe actions that were happening at a specific moment in the past. It emphasizes the duration or process of an action that was ongoing at a particular time.

1. When Do We Use Past Continuous?

We use past continuous to:

  • Describe actions that were in progress at a particular moment in the past.
    • I was reading when you called me.
  • Show that two actions were happening at the same time in the past.
    • While I was cooking, my brother was doing his homework.
  • Express a temporary situation in the past.
    • They were staying at a hotel during their vacation.
  • Describe an action that was interrupted by another event in the past.
    • She was watching TV when the power went out.

2. Forming the Past Continous

Structure: Subject + was/were + [verb + -ing]

  • Was” is used with singular subjects (I, he, she, it).
  • Were” is used with plural subjects (you, we, they).
  • The main verb is always in its ing form.

Examples of Past Continuous Formation:

  • I was studying at 9 PM last night.
  • They were playing football when it started raining.

3. Examples

  • I was reading a book when the phone rang.
  • They were working on the project all day.
  • She was traveling to Paris last summer.
  • We were having dinner when they arrived.
  • He was walking to the park when he saw the accident.
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