
The English alphabet consists of 26 letters, each having a specific name, pronunciation, and order. These letters are used to form words, sentences, and all written communication in English.

1. When Do We Use the Alphabet ?

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  • Spelling Words:

    The alphabet is used to spell words correctly.

    • Example: C-A-T spells “cat.”


  • Learning Pronunciation:
    Each letter has a specific sound that helps learners pronounce words accurately.

    • Example: The letter C can sound like /k/ in cat or /s/ in cent.


  • Reading and Writing:
    The alphabet is essential for recognizing and forming words while reading and writing.

2. How to Form Words with the Alphabet?

Order of Letters:
The English alphabet is divided into uppercase (capital letters) and lowercase letters:

A, B, C, D… X, Y, Z (uppercase)
a, b, c, d… x, y, z (lowercase)

  • Vowels and Consonants:The alphabet contains:
    • 5 vowels: A, E, I, O, U
      • 21 consonants: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z
  • Forming Words:
    Words are formed by combining letters.
    • Example: B-A-L-L = ball.

3. Examples

Spelling Examples:

D-O-G spells “dog.”
H-O-U-S-E spells “house.”

Pronunciation Tips:
The letter G sounds like /g/ in “go” and /ʤ/ in “gentle.”
The letter Y can sound like /j/ in “yellow” or act as a vowel in “happy.”

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